Emma Watson’s new ‘Time’s Up’ tattoo contains a glaring typo

The Brown University graduate has a regrettable grammatical mistake in cursive script tattooed on her forearm.

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At the Vanity Fair Oscars celebration, Emma Watson unveiled a fresh tattoo on the red carpet.

The prominent tattoo on her forearm is a nod to Time’s Up, a movement that supports anyone who have been the victims of sexual harassment, assault, or abuse at work.

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But the obvious grammatical mistake is hidden by the cursive writing, which the Brown University graduate ought to have noticed.

Her tattoo was missing the apostrophe that shortens ‘Time is up’ to the snappier ‘Time’s Up’.



But Emma’s new hair and her “crazy” fringe were what really had people talking.

She wore her brunette hair in a scruffy cut with a cutting, uneven fringe.

“All I want to know is what is up with Emma Watson’s fringe,” one viewer tweeted.



“What’s with the crazy fringe. Just stay pretty and blessed,” another added.

But others loved the fashion-forward hairstyle.

“I’m living for Emma Watson’s current fringe. If only I had enough hair,” one fan tweeted.

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