Zlatan Ibrahimovic once again revealed he almost signed for Arsenal before making his famous ‘flip’

Ibrahimovic once went to Arsenal’s training ground and was asked by coach Arsene Wenger for a trial. However, his pride did not allow him to accept that.

Zing translates and sends to readers an anecdote about Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s meeting with coach Arsene Wenger at Arsenal in chapter 6 of his autobiography called “I am Zlatan” (I am Zlatan).

The autobiography records the time when the Swedish striker was a young star playing for Malmo and received the attention of Arsenal as well as many big clubs in Europe. The stories arranged seamlessly and in detail also indirectly explain Zlatan’s refusal to join Arsenal and later move to Ajax.

Zlatan does not need a trial

Somehow I couldn’t keep up. Everything happened so fast. One minute I was the unruly kid on the team. But now, Hasse Borg (the first agent) and I drove to Arsenal’s training ground in St Albans, north London.

You can imagine it as a classic training ground. I saw Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, and Dennis Bergkamp on the field. But the great thing was that I met Arsene Wenger when I first came to this club.

This is the first foreign coach in Arsenal history. The day he was appointed, the British press even asked: “Who is Arsene?”. However, he won the Premier League and FA Cup in his second season and gradually became great.

I felt like a child when I walked into his office. Me, Hasse Borg, and another middleman whose name I’ve forgotten. Wenger’s look gave me chills. That is the person who always watches every smallest detail of the player. I sat there, embarrassed and then feeling impatient.

Then Wenger said: “You can practice with us to test your ability. Let’s try it. ” Those words motivated me. Immediately, I wanted to show him my abilities.

I said: “Give me the shoes and I will do it for you.” But Hasse Borg interrupted and said: “Stop, stop, it’s not possible. This is not an audition.” Of course, I have the same opinion as Hasse Borg: like it or not. The people who audition are the ones who are down. Only weak people go on probation. So we said no.

We apologize to Wenger. We’re not interested. There was a lot to talk about after that. But I believe it was the right decision. We went down to Monte Carlo, where Monaco also showed interest, then Verona, AS Roma’s sister club, and then we went home. There were no contracts but it was a memorable trip. I have had initial views about clubs in Europe.

I got the flu when I returned to Malmo in the cold winter weather. Then I was called up to the Swedish U21 team but was forced to miss the first match. The scouts returned without disappointment. Scouts followed me everywhere.

I don’t have much of a clue about them and only remember one Danish scout, John Steen Olsen. He came to visit so often that I remembered his name and sometimes even said hello.

Then Malmo went to La Manga for training. It was early March, the weather was beautiful and I felt very energetic. La Manga is a tourist destination on the coast of Southeast Spain. In my first practice session I saw a familiar face, John Steen Olsen, and I flinched. I said hello, that’s all. I don’t want to be kicked out. Guys like this are everywhere. I was familiar with that.

The next day, there was another person there. I learned that the person was Ajax’s chief scout and Hasse Borg began to feel tense. Hasse Borg told me: “The time has come, get ready”.

I replied: “OK, great”.

I just keep playing, even though it’s not easy at all. Suddenly there were 3 more people from Ajax there. Their assistant coach also appeared. Hasse Borg tells me that even more people are coming. It was like making a conquest. Next is head coach Co Adriaanse and sporting director Leo Beenhakker.

The pitch to Ajax

At that time, I knew nothing about Beenhakker. I don’t know anything about football owners in Europe. But I immediately realized that this was a great character. He wore a hat, had curly white hair, and bright eyes, and smoked a fat cigar.

Looking at that mafia-looking man, I know why Beenhakker once captained Real Madrid and won titles with this club. Beenhakker contacted Hasse many times to discuss my price. But, Hasse refused. Hasse refused to give any specific price. “It’s not for sale,” Hasse says, and that seems very smart.

However it is a dangerous game. Beenhakker threatened: “If I don’t bid, I won’t come to La Manga!”. Hasse replied: “That’s your business. Then don’t come anymore!”. In the end, Beenhakker still flew to Spain and watched Malmo’s match with Moss. After that, I didn’t see him anywhere, just John Steen Olsen and the Co Adriaanse assistant coach behind Moss’ goal.

Apparently, Beenhakker climbed onto the roof of the warehouse next to the yard to get a better view. Right at the beginning of the first half, I received a pass from the right wing. There’s nothing dangerous about that situation because the opponent’s defense is very tight.

But I still see a possibility. Football is not something you plan and it just happens. So I lifted the ball past a defender, handled it perfectly, accelerated past two other defenders and found myself in a good position to hit a backheel. So I used my heel to kick past a defender and volleyed the ball to score.

The ball went into the net. It was one of the best goals I’ve ever made. I ran across the field with my arms outstretched. The reporters there thought I was shouting “Zlatan, Zlatan!” . But please, why do I have to shout my name? I literally shouted “See? See?”. It was a welcome goal and I understood what Beenhakker was thinking.

He had never seen a goal like that. I felt him become worried. He saw a player he had been looking for for a long time, a tall player who could score goals and had good technique. Players like that can score great goals. But he was smart enough to realize my value had skyrocketed after that goal.

Immediately, Beenhakker left his seat and went to Hasse Borg.

Beenhakker said:

– I want to meet that guy right away.

Hasse Borg says:

– Let’s see, it’s difficult.

– How difficult is it?

– So there’s no time, right? The club has so many activities and plans.

Beenhakker seemed crazy, he clearly had a reason to be like that because, in reality, he had no plan.

– That player is still too young, you guys are just training and not playing any tournaments. Must there be time?

– Yes, yes, but make it quick.

Then the two agreed to a meeting at the Ajax delegation’s nearby hotel. We went there, shook everyone’s hands, and asked each other politely. Beenhakker approached me and said: “Hey if you play me once, I will play twice as much. Don’t play tricks!”.

That statement impressed me because I like that kind of talk. After a long time of not hearing about Ajax, one day Hasse Borg called:

– Are you busy? Are you ready?

– Prepare for what?

– They’re here.

– Who?

– Ajax. Arrive at Hotel St. Jorgen now, we’re waiting.

I got there, my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, that time had come. I told Borg I wanted to be the record signing. I want to make history. There is a Swedish player who went to Arsenal for 40 million kronor (Swedish money). Then John Carew went to Valencia for 70 million. I want to break that record even though I’m only 19 years old.

Hasse Borg gave me a contract, stating 160,000 kronor/month. Of course, it’s a lot, 4 times my current salary, plus a new Mercedes as a gift. Of course, I’m proud and agree. At that time, I knew nothing about market prices or how to negotiate.

I’m just a 19-year-old boy who just came into the world and listens to every word of Hasse Borg, whom I consider a second father. Later I learned about a common trick: paying players low salaries to have more money for a transfer.

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