Circlets of the Northern Lights by Ferial Gharegozlou and Reihan Rahimi Ajdadi

In the heart of the ethereal snow-kissed landscape in Lapland, Finland, where the mystic dance of the aurora borealis paints the night sky, the circular cabins stand as celestial beacons, harmoniously merging with the natural spectacle. Inspired by the encompassing circularity of the aurora’s celestial ballet, these cabins weave a narrative of unity, where architecture and art converge to create an immersive experience that resonates with the primal rhythms of nature.

Drawing inspiration from the circular motifs inherent in the celestial dance above, this architectural concept serves as a testament to the seamless integration of human design with the natural wonders of the Arctic. By immersing visitors in an otherworldly experience that evokes a sense of unity with the cosmos, these circular cabins create a haven where tranquility and wonder converge.

Architectural Concept:

Drawing from the notion of cosmic harmony, the circular architecture of the cabins is a homage to the continuum of the universe, where every curve and every space reflects the seamless flow of time and energy. The cabins’ design embodies the seamless integration of the surrounding environment, embracing the organic lines of the snow-laden landscape and mirroring the undulating patterns of the dancing lights above. Circular floor plans not only maximize panoramic views but also create a sense of continuity and interconnectedness with the snowscape and the celestial theatre above.

Structural Elegance:

Employing sustainable and natural materials, the cabins’ exteriors blend seamlessly with the snowy panorama, evoking a sense of belonging within the pristine surroundings. The use of timber, stone, and glass contributes to the cabins’ sustainable and earthy aesthetic, ensuring a minimal ecological footprint while providing a warm and inviting ambiance. The incorporation of eco-friendly construction techniques and locally sourced materials ensures a minimal impact on the delicate Arctic ecosystem while fostering an ambiance of sustainable luxury.

Aurora-Inspired Interior Design:

Within the circular confines, the interior design embodies the enchanting hues of the aurora. Soft, ethereal lighting mimics the colors of the celestial phenomenon, casting gentle glows that illuminate the circular spaces with a celestial aura. Organic textures, such as plush furs and textured fabrics, create a tactile connection with the wintry landscape, further enhancing the sense of immersion and comfort.

Aesthetic and functional fusion:

Every detail in the cabins has been deliberately designed to fulfil both functional and aesthetic functions. The circular living rooms, furnished with comfy, curving couches, revolve around a central hearth, which serves as the living space’s pulsating heart. The circular patterns in the kitchen and eating spaces generate a sense of community warmth and conviviality, allowing guests to gather and share in the social spirit of the cabins. Circular skylights and strategically placed windows not only provide amazing views of the aurora but also infuse natural light into the interior spaces, creating an ever-changing interplay of light and shadow.

Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Connectivity:

The circular cottages allow seamless transitions to the snow-covered outdoors by blurring the boundaries between the interior and the exterior. Wraparound decks and circular observation platforms encourage visitors to immerse themselves in the panoramic splendour of the snow-covered countryside and the captivating phenomenon of the aurora borealis. Outdoor amenities like circular fire pits and heated seating areas encourage social gatherings and stargazing, allowing guests to form lasting bonds with the natural treasures that surround them.

The circular cottages emphasise a symbiotic link with the surrounding environment by blurring the lines between interior and outdoor living. Expansive windows and carefully placed skylights allow natural light to dance inside the circular constraints, resulting in a dramatic mix of shadows and illumination. Outdoor circular decks and observation platforms with cosy seats and warming elements provide guests with an immersive experience, allowing them to enjoy the serenity of the snow-covered environment as well as the mesmerising aurora display.

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