Biophilic architecture in Tehran’s residential complexes during the epidemic

The necessity for a fundamental change in the architectural approach in residential complexes was felt during the Tehran pandemic. In reaction to the pandemic’s constraints, Tehran’s architectural environment underwent major transformation. With the constraints on outside activities, including biophilic principles into the architecture of residential complexes becomes critical.

Given the issues that residential complexes encountered during the pandemic, the necessity for biophilic design components to improve resident well-being was felt. Rooftop gardens, plentiful natural light, a variety of indoor plants, and the use of organic materials were all important components in architectural ideas. These architectural components are meant to mimic natural habitats, making up for the absence of outdoor access during quarantine and limitations.

The incorporation of modern architectural design with biophilic components not only addresses the absence of green space, but also benefits the occupants’ mental and physical health. Bringing nature into residential surroundings creates tranquil spaces, decreases stress, and improves inhabitants’ overall living experience.

During the pandemic, one way for developing residential complexes is to emphasize biophilic architecture. Aside from the immediate pandemic worries, it paves the door for a more sustainable architectural concept that incorporates nature. This architectural transformation not only addresses the urgent demand for better living surroundings, but it also establishes a pattern for future urban architecture development.




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