Jackie Chan once received a significant honor from ‘idol’ Sylvester Stallone, and she said, ‘Felt Very Proud of Myself.’

Jackie Chan, the multimillionaire superhero martial artist, didn’t start out very well at Holywood. He had a great deal of difficulty getting established in the field prior to being the forerunner of new-age kung fu. In actuality, his two American-released films were huge failures. But just as Chan was about to quit up, he received a call from Sylvester Stallone, his “idol” and Hollywood icon. Even though it was a cordial meeting, Chan’s viewpoint was altered by the exchange, and he once more discovered his desire to work as an actor in Hollywood.

Chan wrote in his autobiographical story that he was shocked to receive an invitation to Stallone’s home. Actually, before accepting the offer, the martial artist double-checked it.

When Jackie Chan saw Rocky, he was awestruck.

The Karate Kid star received an invitation from Sylvester Stallone to his film debut, according to his autobiography Never Grow Up. It certainly astounded Chan, since he didn’t know if the American actor was familiar with him. Chan, however, noticed Stallone’s collections, paintings, and of course his gym when he arrived at his home. Rocky Balboa and the Chinese actor soon became friends when the latter was filming Demolition Man.

Upon seeing him, Stallone enthusiastically introduced Chan to the public, eliciting applause for the Chinese martial arts celebrity. Then he displayed to him his collection of Chan’s films and disclosed that he had even borrowed certain concepts for his own films, saying, “When we run out of ideas, we watch one of your films. You’ve taught us so much, and we really admire you. Thank you for coming.”

Stallone inspired Chan to win an Oscar

In a 2016 address following his honorary Oscar win, Chan credited a particular memory for inspiring him to dream of the award. Chan initially noticed the prize among Stallone’s belongings during a single visit to his home. It so surprised him that he had to share, “I touched it, I kissed it, I smelled it. I believe it still has my fingerprints on it.”

An additional jewel in his crown was the honor he was given for his overall contributions to international film. As he raised it in front of the American audience, Chan was filled with pride and gave a moving statement honoring his parents. There is no denying that Chan has benefited from his encounter with the superhero. It is said that when legends collide, miraculous events are inevitable.

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