29+ Elegantly Symbolic Family Union Tattoos

Having a tattoo with strong symbolism is one of the things that people look for, and family union tattoos are a perfect example of this.

Family tattoos are classic since getting inked is all about expressing oneself and respecting a relationship.

The Latin term “family” is derived from “famulus,” which is derived from the Oscan word “famel,” which means servant, and, further back, from the Sanskrit word “vama,” which means room or dwelling.

Family Union-themed tattoos

This etymology suggests that the group of people and slaves who shared a home with the lord of the house were regarded as a family in the past. A family is a collection of individuals bound together by kinship, adoption, or marriage.










Considered as a natural and universal community, with an emotional basis, of indisputable training in the individual and of social importance. It is said to be universal since the history of the family is the history of humanity.

In all social groups and at all stages of their civilization, some form of family organization has always been found. The family has changed over time, but it has always existed, which is why it is a universal social group, the most universal of all.

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