Mrs. Maye Musk, a well-known model, prefers a vegetarian diet to maintain her beauty and elegance at the age of 75. In addition to raising a billionaire, Mrs. Maye Musk is a nutrition guru and fashion icon. 🤩

To maintain a fit figure at the age of over 70, millionaire Elon Musk’s mother consumes plenty of fruits and fibre, eats small quantities for dinner, and avoids bad diets.

Người mẹ siêu mẫu của tỷ phú, U80 vẫn trẻ trung nhờ 2 thói quen chống lão hóa

Maye Musk, Elon Musk’s mother and former sports swimsuit supermodel, is 74 years old and still looks slender and healthy. In addition to her stunning wardrobe, she is a licenced dietitian with two master’s degrees in dietetic science and nutrition.

Ms. Musk wrote a book about ageing called A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success, which includes daily food recommendations for a healthy and toned body.

She does not believe in fasting or skipping meals to lose weight, because it causes a decrease in energy. “Eat regularly, plan your meals and don’t eat junk food,” she said, advocating menu planning for meals. This is also the job she has done for more than 45 years. She believes that without a clear plan, the process of losing weight or keeping fit and maintaining weight will easily “derail”.

For breakfast, Mrs. Musk eats bread, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. She often uses fresh, homemade whole grain bread, then spreads a little butter on top and eats it with scrambled eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms.

“I never skip breakfast, otherwise I’ll be hungry before 10 a.m. and eat everything in front of me,” she said.

At noon, she often eats a salad with a variety of vegetables, including romaine lettuce, carrots, green onions, tomatoes, onions and green beans. She likes many types of beans, especially peas.

Billionaire Elon Musk and his mother Maye Musk at the 2022 Met Gala in New York. Photo: Film MagicWhen she goes out to supper, she frequently orders steak or fish instead of dessert. She believes that portions in America are overly huge and typically takes about two-thirds home and eats the remainder the next day. She also suggests that individuals eat little portions of dinner in order to feel more hungry in the morning, which is the most crucial meal of the day.

If she has dinner at home, she makes soup with 15 types of beans and lots of vegetables, including broccoli, carrots, tomatoes and fresh vegetables. She then added black brown rice, divided the soup into containers, and stored it in the freezer.

Mrs. Musk really enjoys eating fresh fruit, such as apples, pears, and grapes. In a YouTube video, she stated that fruits are similar to candy, allowing her to satisfy her sweet taste without gaining weight.

However, she dislikes drinking fruit juices since they lack fibre. According to experts, juice has more sugar, less fibre, and is less satisfying than fruits in their natural form.

Musk also opposes unfavourable diet techniques. She believes that many individuals misinterpret the fashionable gluten-free diet.

“Gluten is a protein found in wheat and rye. You think eating a pizza makes you tired because it contains a lot of gluten? No, you’re tired because you ate a whole pizza.” , she said, adding that this regimen is only suitable for patients with gluten intolerance. For people who easily gain weight or have bloating, she recommends not eating too much.

Mrs. Musk’s philosophy on maintaining beauty in old age is confidence. “If anyone makes you feel bad about your age, say goodbye to them. You don’t need that person in your life,” she said.

To have healthy and fresh skin, billionaire Elon Musk’s mother has been diligent about using sunscreen since she was young. She said: “It is important to wear a hat and apply sunscreen regularly, at least SPF 30. Protecting the skin from the sun helps effectively prevent aging and avoid harmful effects.” of UV rays can increase dermatological diseases and skin cancer.

Mrs. Maye also refused to use tobacco in order to safeguard her health, prolong her life, and slow the ageing process. She claims that nicotine from cigarettes is one of the elements that contribute to the appearance of dry skin and wrinkles since it breaks collagen structure, causing the skin to become loose and lifeless.

Billionaire's supermodel mother, U80 is still youthful thanks to 2 anti-aging habits - Photo 3.

The elderly lady maintained a positive attitude at all times.

Specifically, rather than utilising cosmetic treatments to keep her youth, the technology billionaire’s mother preferred to age naturally. She keeps an upbeat attitude and is not concerned about the changes that come with becoming older. As a result, the female supermodel exudes a bright and vibrant personality.

“There is no need to try to find all kinds of cosmetic measures to avoid old age. Instead, I improve myself by cultivating new knowledge, working hard and enjoying this life more than before.” . Age is just a number, don’t let it stop you from moving forward,” said Ms. Maye Musk.

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