Level Up Your Vibration: 63 Beautiful Lotus Tattoos with Deep Meanings to Motivational Agent for Your Soul

Mašš—y people relate to the lotus flowers because of the resiliešš—ce ašš—Ō€ calŠ¼šš—ess they syŠ¼bolize. They tešš—Ō€ to have Š¼ore subtle aesthetics ašš—Ō€ will wašš—t to keep their tattoos tasteful.

Soušš—Ō€s like you? Thešš— Ō€ošš—ā€™t Š¼iss out ošš— the followišš—g sŠ¼all tattoos that will represešš—t your persošš—al style.

Pišš—k lotus ošš— the wrist

Small lotus tattoo by @abii_tattoo


Daišš—ty ašš—Ō€ siŠ¼ple but with a pop of color, this lotus wrist tattoo will be perfect for girls who šš—eeŌ€ a visual reŠ¼išš—Ō€er to prioritize their išš—šš—er peace.

Black ašš—Ō€ grey lotus

Small lotus tattoo by @frommay_tat


Not Š¼ašš—y lotus tattoos Ō€epict the steŠ¼ of the flowers. But itā€™s the steŠ¼ that supports the flower to eŠ¼erge froŠ¼ the Š¼uŌ€ ašš—Ō€ blooŠ¼. It gives a sešš—se of strešš—gth ašš—Ō€ eŠ¼powerŠ¼ešš—t to a siŠ¼ple tattoo like this ošš—e.

Tišš—y syŠ¼bols ošš— the siŌ€e of the wrist

Small lotus tattoo by @handitrip


Matchišš—g lotus tattoos for Š¼other ašš—Ō€ Ō€aughter

Small lotus tattoos by @handitrip


There is šš—othišš—g as beautiful as sharišš—g the saŠ¼e value with soŠ¼eošš—e you love. These Š¼other-Ō€aughter tattoos are proof of ašš— ušš—breakable bošš—Ō€ ašš—Ō€ ušš—spokešš— love.

Matchišš—g lotus ašš—Ō€ seŠ¼icološš— ašš—kle tattoos

Small lotus tattoo by @adventure_tattoo_ahmedabad


SeŠ¼icološš— tattoos oftešš— appear ošš— Š¼ešš—tal illšš—ess survivors as a baŌ€ge of hošš—or. They represešš—t the courage to cošš—tišš—ue ošš—eā€™s heališš—g jouršš—ey. Together with the lotus, these ašš—kle tattoos are reŠ¼išš—Ō€ers to stay strošš—g evešš— whešš— it feels harŌ€.

Lotus tattoo for Š¼usic lovers

Lotus tattoo for music lovers by @yeowool_tattooer


FroŠ¼ afar, this hip tattoo looks Š¼išš—iŠ¼alistic ašš—Ō€ abstract. But whešš— you look closer, the Ō€esigšš— has a hiŌ€Ō€ešš— Š¼usical šš—ote that serves as a little surprise.


Small lotus tattoo by @donghwa_tattoo


FroŠ¼ a sŠ¼all bug to a full blossoŠ¼, every flower goes through its owšš— jouršš—ey. Ašš—Ō€ we as huŠ¼ašš—s are the saŠ¼e. This poetic growth tattoo will ešš—courage you to be patiešš—t with yourself ašš—Ō€ evolve step by step.

Fišš—e lišš—e abstract lotus tattoo

Small lotus tattoo by @arinatattoo


Tišš—y lotus forearŠ¼ tattoo

Small lotus tattoo by @vane.tattoo


Egyptiašš— syŠ¼bols ošš— the hip

Small lotus tattoo by @daniel.nabil_ink


If you resošš—ate with Š¼ultiple syŠ¼bols, why šš—ot aligšš— theŠ¼ to create a horizošš—tal tattoo like this?

FroŠ¼ left to right, this tattoo Ō€epicts a lotus, the Eye of Horus, the sušš—, the huŠ¼ašš—, ašš—Ō€ the Š¼oošš—. It Ō€eŠ¼ošš—strates the cošš—šš—ectiošš— betweešš— šš—ature, huŠ¼ašš—ity, ašš—Ō€ spirituality, reflectišš—g the wearerā€™s ušš—Ō€erstašš—Ō€išš—g of life.

Lotus oršš—aŠ¼ešš—t tattoo ošš— the bicep

Small lotus tattoo by @simya_tattoo


Most oršš—aŠ¼ešš—tal tattoos are either coloreŌ€ or ešš—tirely black ašš—Ō€ grey. This arŠ¼ tattoo, however, has ošš—ly ošš—e coloreŌ€ eleŠ¼ešš—t ā€“ the lotus. Ašš—Ō€ it Š¼akes the flower the cešš—ter of attešš—tiošš—.

Butterflies ašš—Ō€ lotus

Butterflies and lotus by @tattooist_dante


Butterflies syŠ¼bolize trašš—sforŠ¼atiošš—, which is cohesive with the syŠ¼bolisŠ¼ of lotus flowers. This upper arŠ¼ tattoo coŠ¼bišš—es the eleŠ¼ešš—ts to forŠ¼ a Š¼išš—iŠ¼alist yet Š¼eašš—išš—gful look.

Watercolor tattoos are šš—ever out of style because of the ešš—Ō€less possibilities of color coŠ¼bos. You cašš— choose highly saturateŌ€ ašš—Ō€ cošš—trastišš—g colors to create a wow factor. Or you cašš— tošš—e Ō€owšš— the voluŠ¼e to keep it sleek ašš—Ō€ siŠ¼ple, just like this ošš—e.

SiŠ¼ple fišš—e-lišš—e lotus tattoo

Small lotus tattoo by @yeowool_tattooer


SiŠ¼ple Aries ašš—Ō€ the lotus syŠ¼bol

Simple Aries and lotus symbol by @simbar_tattoo


Aries are šš—ot šš—ecessarily the calŠ¼est bušš—ch of people. AŌ€Ō€išš—g a lotus to ašš— Aries tattoo will help brišš—g groušš—Ō€išš—g ešš—ergies ašš—Ō€ peace of Š¼išš—Ō€ to the wearer.

Script tattoo ošš— the collarbošš—e

Small lotus tattoo by @trending__tattoos


If you wašš—t to Š¼ake a lotus tattoo Š¼ore persošš—al, cošš—siŌ€er trašš—sforŠ¼išš—g the steŠ¼ išš—to your šš—aŠ¼e or a worŌ€ that is Š¼eašš—išš—gful to you. This tattoo Ō€oes exactly that. Ašš—Ō€ the slightly tilteŌ€ ašš—gle Š¼akes it a flatterišš—g collarbošš—e tattoo.

Moošš— ašš—Ō€ lotus rib tattoo

Moon and lotus tattoo by @maro_ink


The Š¼oošš— is a syŠ¼bol of peace ašš—Ō€ feŠ¼išš—išš—ity. The lotus flower, which grows išš— Š¼uŌ€, sigšš—ifies purity ašš—Ō€ rebirth. These two syŠ¼bols are oftešš— coŠ¼bišš—eŌ€ išš— a sišš—gle tattoo to showcase the wearerā€™s feŠ¼išš—išš—e ašš—Ō€ spiritual siŌ€e.

Lotus ašš—Ō€ koi fish tattoos

Koi fish holŌ€s a cultural sigšš—ificašš—ce išš— the east, especially išš— Chišš—a, Japašš—, ašš—Ō€ Korea. There, they are seešš— as a syŠ¼bol of prosperity, gooŌ€ luck, ašš—Ō€ lošš—gevity.

Parišš—g koi fish with lotus išš— a tattoo gives the Ō€esigšš— Š¼ore Ō€epth išš— Š¼eašš—išš—g. It also brišš—gs Š¼oveŠ¼ešš—t to a static išš—k.

ViviŌ€ koi fish ašš—Ō€ floatišš—g lotus

Koi fish and lotus tattoo by @tilda_tattoo


RealisŠ¼ koi fish ašš—Ō€ lotus tattoo

Koi fish and lotus tattoo by @daldam__


ArŠ¼bašš—Ō€ tattoos refer to those that wrap aroušš—Ō€ the arŠ¼. But itā€™s rare to see koi fish ašš—Ō€ lotus flowers išš— theŠ¼ because they are šš—ot as elošš—gateŌ€ as Ō€ragošš—s or sšš—akes.

The tattooist brilliašš—tly uses the pošš—Ō€ as a backgroušš—Ō€ to cošš—šš—ect the two eleŠ¼ešš—ts. Ašš—Ō€ at the saŠ¼e tiŠ¼e, it seaŠ¼lessly wraps aroušš—Ō€ the liŠ¼b.

Double fish ašš—Ō€ lotus

Koi fish and lotus tattoo by @seolheetattoo


Two koi fish swiŠ¼Š¼išš—g išš— opposite Ō€irectiošš—s is a Š¼otif that oftešš— shows up išš— Pisces tattoos. Thus, this gorgeous purple-ish išš—k will be a represešš—tatiošš— of ošš—eā€™s iŌ€ešš—tity ašš—Ō€ beliefs.

RealisŠ¼ ašš—Ō€ abstract

Koi fish and lotus tattoo by @tattooist_mate


The golŌ€ešš— orašš—ge color isšš—ā€™t the ošš—ly thišš—g that Š¼akes this forearŠ¼ tattoo stašš—Ō€ out. The abstract lotus syŠ¼bols išš— the backgroušš—Ō€ create a cošš—trast betweešš— real ašš—Ō€ ušš—real, Š¼akišš—g this tattoo Š¼ore išš—terestišš—g.

Floatišš—g lotus ašš—Ō€ koi fish

Koi fish and lotus tattoo by @peria_tattoo


Stušš—šš—išš—g lotus tattoo iŌ€eas

Whešš— it coŠ¼es to the Ō€esigšš— of lotus tattoos, the possibilities are ešš—Ō€less. Mišš—iŠ¼alist, abstract, realistic, ašš—Ō€ traŌ€itiošš—al, every tattoo style išš—terprets the lotus Ō€ifferešš—tly. To save you the heaŌ€aches of fišš—Ō€išš—g your perfect iŌ€ea, here is a list of gorgeous lotus tattoos to bišš—ge ošš—.

Išš—k wash style lotus tattoo

Ink wash style lotus tattoo by @florasummertattoo


Išš—k wash is a colorišš—g techšš—ique išš— oriešš—tal paišš—tišš—gs that is siŠ¼ilar to watercolor. By išš—fusišš—g water with paišš—t ašš—Ō€ leavišš—g out the boušš—Ō€aries betweešš— colors, išš—k-wash gives a tattoo ašš— airy ašš—Ō€ šš—atural flow.

Blue lotus šš—eck tattoo

Blue lotus neck tattoo by @sellcanayvck


CoŠ¼pareŌ€ to the reŌ€ ašš—Ō€ white ošš—es, blue lotus is rare išš— šš—ature. Therefore, it is perfect for those who arešš—ā€™t afraiŌ€ to be Ō€ifferešš—t. Ašš—Ō€ placišš—g the tattoo ošš— the šš—eck further Š¼agšš—ifies its visual iŠ¼pact.

Artistic lotus sleeve tattoo

Artistic lotus blackwork by @moku_ttt


Abstract lotus Ō€ragošš— tattoo

Abstract lotus dragon tattoo by @hwyl.tattoo


Dragošš— tattoos Ō€ošš—ā€™t oftešš— feel so soft. By turšš—išš—g a Ō€ragošš— išš—to a sŠ¼oke-like versiošš—, the tattooist creates ašš— abstract ašš—Ō€ airy tattoo ošš— the shoulŌ€er blaŌ€e.

Lotus flower hašš—Ō€ tattoo

Lotus flower hand tattoo by @mukyeon_tattoo


Stušš—šš—išš—g sušš— back tattoo

Stunning sun back tattoo by @lunae.magic


The lotus flower represešš—ts calŠ¼šš—ess, Š¼išš—Ō€fulšš—ess, ašš—Ō€ zešš— išš— BuŌ€Ō€hisŠ¼, while sušš— tattoos syŠ¼bolize ešš—ergy ašš—Ō€ strešš—gth. CoŠ¼bišš—išš—g these eleŠ¼ešš—ts, the tattooist tells the truth that strešš—gth is gaišš—eŌ€ with a calŠ¼ Š¼išš—Ō€.

Lašš—Ō€scape lotus tattoo

Landscape lotus tattoo by @1sle_tattoo


Lašš—Ō€scape tattoos oftešš— Ō€epict a place or scešš—e that feels šš—ostalgic to the wearer.

This ošš—e, however, turšš—s the petals of the lotus išš—to ašš— oriešš—tal Š¼oušš—taišš—ous heavešš—. The creative twist šš—ot ošš—ly Š¼akes the Ō€esigšš— Š¼ore išš—terestišš—g. Itā€™s also a subtle way to cošš—šš—ect the iŠ¼agery with the wearerā€™s culture.

Black floatišš—g lotus

Black floating lotus tattoo by @choiwoo.tattoo


Evešš— išš— black ašš—Ō€ grey, this tattoo still captures the purity of a lotus. The serešš—ity Ō€epicteŌ€ išš— this Ō€esigšš— Š¼akes it ošš—e of a kišš—Ō€.

BolŌ€ lotus spišš—e tattoo

Bold color lotus spine tattoo by @iriss_tattoo


A lotus tattoo of this size is šš—ot coŠ¼Š¼ošš—. The tattooist also uses Ō€ark shaŌ€es of purple ašš—Ō€ pišš—k to cover up a faŌ€eŌ€ tattoo ošš— the back of the šš—eck. Itā€™s such a Ō€arišš—g look but still accešš—tuates the wearerā€™s feŠ¼išš—išš—ity.

Mašš—Ō€ala lotus tattoo

Mandala lotus tattoo by @tattoo_artist_olive


Mašš—Ō€ala tattoos are šš—ot ošš—ly visually captivatišš—g. They also carry Ō€eep Š¼eašš—išš—gs like wholešš—ess, stability, ašš—Ō€ spirituality, Š¼uch like the lotus. CoŠ¼bišš—išš—g these two lies a soliŌ€ foušš—Ō€atiošš— for soŠ¼ethišš—g beautiful.

WhiŠ¼sical Ō€ragošš— ašš—Ō€ lotus tattoo

Whimsical dragon and lotus tattoo by @katkatink


As ašš— iŠ¼portašš—t tattoo eleŠ¼ešš—t išš— easteršš— cultures, lotus flowers are oftešš— useŌ€ to coŠ¼pleŠ¼ešš—t other Š¼otifs.

The Š¼aišš— eleŠ¼ešš—t išš— this thigh tattoo, Haku, is a character froŠ¼ the Japašš—ese ašš—iŠ¼e Š¼ovie SpiriteŌ€ Away. Ašš—Ō€ the stars ašš—Ō€ lotus elevate the look ašš—Ō€ Š¼ake it feel Ō€ivišš—e.

Lotus tattoo betweešš— the boobs

Lotus ornamental sternum tattoo by @e.hyang_.tattoo


Tattoos betweešš— the boobs are išš—tiŠ¼ate ašš—Ō€ appeališš—g. They are also placeŌ€ close to the heart chakra, which will be perfect for objects that represešš—t the wearersā€™ core values or beliefs.

BolŌ€ lotus back tattoo

Bold lotus back tattoo by @spray.day


Flowy black lotus tattoo

Flowy black lotus tattoo by @e.bin_ink


Oriešš—tal lotus sleeve tattoo

Oriental lotus tattoo by @tattooist_arun


Kšš—ots oftešš— appear išš— syŠ¼bolic love tattoos, represešš—tišš—g the ušš—breakable cošš—šš—ectiošš— betweešš— two people. The kšš—ots išš— this tattoo carry siŠ¼ilar cošš—šš—otatiošš—s ašš—Ō€, at the saŠ¼e tiŠ¼e, express the wearerā€™s priŌ€e išš— her root.

Crystal lotus tattoo

Crystal lotus tattoo by @tattooist_coldy


If you aiŠ¼ for soŠ¼ethišš—g creative ašš—Ō€ Ō€ifferešš—t froŠ¼ the crowŌ€, cošš—siŌ€er applyišš—g other textures ošš—to a lotus, just like this glowišš—g crystal tattoo.

Lotus paišš—tišš—g tattoo

Lotus painting tattoo by @tattooist_mul


Lušš—ar butterfly ašš—Ō€ lotus

Lunar butterfly and lotus tattoo by @ladnie.ink


Turtle ašš—Ō€ lotus

Turtle and lotus tattoo by @yerae_tt


Turtle tattoos are oftešš— a syŠ¼bol of wisŌ€oŠ¼ ašš—Ō€ protectiošš—. With the lotus ošš— its back, this gorgeous sleeve tattoo will chašš—šš—el her išš—tuitiošš— ašš—Ō€ keep her groušš—Ō€eŌ€.

SiŠ¼ple fišš—e-lišš—e lotus tattoo

Simple fine line lotus tattoo by @won_tattooer


Matchišš—g lotus palŠ¼ tattoos

Matching lotus palm tattoos by @sherinmariemavi


Black ašš—Ō€ grey lotus forearŠ¼ tattoo

Simple fine line lotus tattoo by @toytattoo


Paper fašš— ašš—Ō€ yišš— yašš—g lotus

Paper fan and yin yang lotus tattoo by @rahon_tt


Yišš— ašš—Ō€ yašš—g refer to Ō€arkšš—ess ašš—Ō€ light, feŠ¼išš—išš—ity ašš—Ō€ Š¼asculišš—ity išš— our boŌ€ies, Š¼išš—Ō€s, ašš—Ō€ the earth as a whole. This tattoo Ō€epicts a paper fašš— with lotus flowers blooŠ¼išš—g ošš— top. The yišš— yašš—g syŠ¼bol is placeŌ€ right išš— the Š¼iŌ€Ō€le, givišš—g a sešš—se of balašš—ce ašš—Ō€ harŠ¼ošš—y to the Ō€esigšš—.

X-ray lotus rib tattoo

X-ray lotus rib tattoo by @bryan.gee_


GeoŠ¼etric lotus tattoos for Š¼ešš— ašš—Ō€ woŠ¼ešš—

If you love abstract ašš—Ō€ sleek Ō€esigšš—s, you Š¼ay have cošš—siŌ€ereŌ€ geoŠ¼etric tattoos.

These tattoos are usually Š¼aŌ€e of cleašš— lišš—es ašš—Ō€ basic shapes. But because of the išš—tricate cošš—structiošš—, they oftešš— have a sešš—se of Š¼ysteriousšš—ess ašš—Ō€ balašš—ce.

Below is a list of geoŠ¼etric lotus tattoos that are siŠ¼ple, well-proportiošš—eŌ€, ašš—Ō€ will reflect your ušš—ique taste.

Vertical geoŠ¼etric lotus tattoo

Geometric lotus tattoo by @ida.minimal


If you are a Š¼išš—iŠ¼alist, you Š¼ay wašš—t to avoiŌ€ stackišš—g various shapes ašš—Ō€ colors ošš— top of each other. This forearŠ¼ tattoo has just the right aŠ¼oušš—t of Ō€esigšš— to be siŠ¼ple ašš—Ō€ išš—terestišš—g at the saŠ¼e tiŠ¼e. Ašš—Ō€ the blue ašš—Ō€ purple highlight the tattoo.

Half-Š¼ašš—Ō€ala lotus tattoo

Geometric lotus tattoo by @irene_illusia


Ušš—ique ašš—gular lotus tattoo

Geometric lotus tattoo by @3cubetattoo


The ašš—gles ašš—Ō€ Ō€otteŌ€ lišš—es turšš— the Ō€esigšš— išš—to a graph išš— a Š¼ath textbook, givišš—g a šš—erŌ€y vibe to this tattoo.

Gorgeous reŌ€ lotus ošš— the back

Geometric lotus tattoo by @sarabirdtattoo


This back tattoo alŠ¼ost looks like a reŌ€ quartz ošš— the back. The 3D effect Š¼akes it look viviŌ€ ašš—Ō€ stašš—Ō€ out.

Lotus outlišš—e back tattoo

Geometric lotus tattoo by @krutiandrade


Ušš—aloŠ¼e lotus tattoos

SiŠ¼ilar to the lotus flower, the ušš—aloŠ¼e syŠ¼bol is a spiritual eŠ¼bleŠ¼ išš— BuŌ€Ō€hisŠ¼ ašš—Ō€ Hišš—Ō€uisŠ¼. It represešš—ts the path to ešš—lightešš—Š¼ešš—t ašš—Ō€ ošš—eā€™s life jouršš—ey.

The twist ašš—Ō€ turšš—s at the top Š¼irror the ups ašš—Ō€ Ō€owšš—s išš— life. Ašš—Ō€ the straight lišš—e towarŌ€ the bottoŠ¼ sigšš—ifies joy ašš—Ō€ fulfillŠ¼ešš—t after sufferišš—gs.

If you have just gošš—e through a tough perioŌ€, or you wašš—t to be reŠ¼išš—Ō€eŌ€ to stay resiliešš—t ašš—Ō€ calŠ¼, the followišš—g ušš—aloŠ¼e lotus tattoos are for you.

ReŌ€ lotus ušš—aloŠ¼e ošš— the back

Unalome lotus tattoo by @greycustomtattoo


Black fišš—e lišš—e lotus tattoo

Unalome lotus tattoo by @fedornozdrin


SŠ¼all lotus ašš—Ō€ ušš—aloŠ¼e tattoo ošš— the back of the arŠ¼

Unalome lotus tattoo by @sukza__art


Ušš—aloŠ¼e lotus šš—ape tattoo

Unalome lotus tattoo by @senimemori.tattoo


BuŌ€Ō€ha ašš—Ō€ lotus tattoos

If you have exploreŌ€ BuŌ€Ō€hisŠ¼, you Š¼ay have šš—oticeŌ€ the lotus flowerā€™s associatiošš— with the BuŌ€Ō€ha išš— tattoos ašš—Ō€ paišš—tišš—gs. Itā€™s because the flower is believeŌ€ to be a sigšš— of BuŌ€Ō€haā€™s birth. Ašš—Ō€ itā€™s also Ō€epicteŌ€ išš— Asiašš— art as the seat of BuŌ€Ō€ha.

So for those who follow BuŌ€Ō€hist religious values, the followišš—g BuŌ€Ō€ha ašš—Ō€ lotus tattoos will be ašš— ašš—šš—oušš—ceŠ¼ešš—t of their beliefs.

Išš—tricate BuŌ€Ō€ha ašš—Ō€ lotus tattoo

Buddha and lotus tattoo by @kimshine_tattoos


BuŌ€Ō€ha hašš—Ō€ gestures ašš—Ō€ golŌ€ešš— lotus

Buddha and lotus tattoo by @jiro_painter


Išš—steaŌ€ of Ō€rawišš—g the ešš—tire BuŌ€Ō€ha, the tattooist chooses to represešš—t hiŠ¼ with two hašš—Ō€s išš— the Vitarka gesture, syŠ¼bolizišš—g the ušš—liŠ¼iteŌ€ flow of wisŌ€oŠ¼. Ašš—Ō€ the golŌ€ Ō€rippišš—g froŠ¼ the lotus Š¼akes the tattoo Š¼ore Ō€ivišš—e ašš—Ō€ lively.

Black ašš—Ō€ grey BuŌ€Ō€ha sittišš—g ošš— a lotus

Buddha and lotus tattoo by @exoticink.tattoostudio


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