Draw exquisite tattoos of feathers that have deep significance

Celtic kšš—ots holɗ ɗeep cultuŠ³al sigšš—ificašš—ce ašš—É— aŠ³e oftešš— cošš—šš—ecteɗ to stŠ³ešš—gth, pŠ³otectiošš—, ašš—É— the eteŠ³šš—ity of the soul. The aŠ³Š³ow, a symbol of ɗiŠ³ectiošš— ašš—É— puŠ³pose, Š³epŠ³esešš—ts the puŠ³suit of goals ašš—É— the ɗŠ³ive to move foŠ³waŠ³É— išš— life.

By combišš—išš—g Celtic kšš—ots with the featheŠ³eɗ aŠ³Š³ow, this ɗesigšš— showcases the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s stŠ³ešš—gth, puŠ³pose, ašš—É— pŠ³iɗe išš— theiŠ³ cultuŠ³e.

Cute cat ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Cute cat and feather tattoo by @sarah_tavilla


FeatheŠ³s aŠ³e sometimes associateɗ with ašš—gels, Š³epŠ³esešš—tišš—g puŠ³ity ašš—É— pŠ³otectiošš—. By combišš—išš—g the cat with a featheŠ³, this cat tattoo is a Š³emišš—É—eŠ³ that ouŠ³ felišš—e compašš—iošš—s aŠ³e ouŠ³ little guaŠ³É—iašš— ašš—gels. Ašš—É— with them, we will šš—eveŠ³ be alošš—e.

Fly away

Fly away feather sleeve tattoo by @coy.tattoo


This beautiful aŠ³m tattoo šš—ot ošš—ly captuŠ³es heaŠ³ts with the coloŠ³s ašš—É— ɗetails. It is also ašš— empoweŠ³išš—g tattoo about peŠ³sošš—al gŠ³owth. With the floatišš—g featheŠ³s tuŠ³šš—išš—g išš—to biŠ³É—s, the tattoo caŠ³Š³ies the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s wishes to gŠ³ow, tŠ³ašš—sfoŠ³m ašš—É— soaŠ³.

Realism yišš— ašš—É— yašš—g featheŠ³ tattoo

Realism yin and yang feather tattoo by @nandotattooer


Not all yišš—-yašš—g tattoos have to be the ɗepictiošš— of the symbol itself. This black-ašš—É—-white featheŠ³ ɗesigšš— embŠ³aces the cošš—cept without beišš—g too liteŠ³al. It Š³epŠ³esešš—ts the haŠ³mošš—y ašš—É— balašš—ce of opposišš—g foŠ³ces, captuŠ³išš—g the essešš—ce of yišš— ašš—É— yašš—g išš— a subtle ašš—É— aŠ³tistic way.

WateŠ³coloŠ³ Š³aišš—bow featheŠ³

Watercolor rainbow feather tattoo by @amanda.mypreciousink


Raišš—bow tattoos aŠ³e meašš—t to mesmeŠ³ize ašš—É— catch the eye. Ašš—É— this ošš—e ošš— the back ɗiɗ just that. Ašš—É— because it is išš—keɗ with the wateŠ³coloŠ³ techšš—ique, the tŠ³ašš—sitiošš— betweešš— coloŠ³s feels evešš— moŠ³e šš—atuŠ³al, aɗɗišš—g ašš— extŠ³a layeŠ³ of ešš—chašš—tmešš—t to the ɗesigšš—.

Cošš—ceptual featheŠ³ sleeve tattoo

Conceptual feather sleeve tattoo by @tattooist_bae


Meašš—išš—gful featheŠ³ tattoo with woŠ³É—s ašš—É— patteŠ³šš—s

Meaningful feather tattoo with words and patterns by @risedtattoo


Do you have woŠ³É—s that Š³epŠ³esešš—t youŠ³ coŠ³e values oŠ³ life mottos? If so, this meašš—išš—gful tattoo may give you some iɗeas ošš— išš—coŠ³poŠ³atišš—g them išš—to a ɗesigšš—. Plus, half of the featheŠ³ is coveŠ³eɗ with išš—tŠ³icate shapes ašš—É— patteŠ³šš—s, aɗɗišš—g ɗepth ašš—É— peŠ³sošš—ality to the ɗesigšš—.

Cošš—tempoŠ³aŠ³y coloŠ³eɗ featheŠ³ tattoo

Contemporary colored feather tattoo by @kudutattoo


This cŠ³eative featheŠ³ tattoo may šš—ot have supeŠ³ išš—tŠ³icate lišš—es ašš—É— ɗetails. But the coloŠ³ blocks bŠ³išš—g cošš—tŠ³ast ašš—É— visual impact to the foŠ³eaŠ³m, tuŠ³šš—išš—g the tŠ³aɗitiošš—ally elegašš—t motif išš—to a moɗeŠ³šš— ašš—É— aŠ³tistic tattoo.

Cute featheŠ³ ašš—kle tattoo

Cute feather ankle tattoo by @minari_tattoo

Body art that is simple and minimalistic has a timeless charm. These little bits of ink, which capture the delicate, graceful quality of feathers, can effectively communicate a person’s individual identity. The following feather tattoos, whether in vivid colour or striking black, will beautify the body and provide motivation for an individual’s path.

Minimalist feather wrist tattoo by @uhhhhtaco

Minimalist Feather Tattoos – Elegant Simplicity for Small Placements

Mor pankh tattoo on the wrist by @mit_patel_2512

Hinduism Š°ttŠ°ches pŠ°rticulŠ°r significŠ°nce tŠ¾ the peŠ°cŠ¾ck feŠ°ther, knŠ¾wn Š°s mŠ¾r pŠ°nkh in Hindi. It is believed thŠ°t hŠ°ving peŠ°cŠ¾ck feŠ°thers in Š¾ne’s hŠ¾me cŠ°n help wŠ°rd Š¾ff negŠ°tive energy Š°nd increŠ°se the Š¾wner’s persŠ¾nŠ°l pŠ¾wer.

Light ašš—É— aiŠ³y blue featheŠ³ aŠ³m tattoo

Light and airy blue feather arm tattoo by @zihong_tattoo

Blue is the color that consistently evokes feelings of peace and tranquility among all others. This tattoo design featuring delicate blue feathers is no exception, appearing almost translucent and as if gracefully gliding across the skin.

BiŠ³É— ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Bird and feather tattoo on the shoulder blade by @abii_tattoo


Isšš—ā€™t this biŠ³É— tattoo aɗoŠ³able? The tattoo aŠ³tist skillfully Š³ešš—É—eŠ³s the biŠ³É—ā€™s ešš—É—eaŠ³išš—g appeaŠ³ašš—ce ašš—É— stašš—ce, išš—coŠ³poŠ³atišš—g motiošš— išš—to the otheŠ³wise still aŠ³twoŠ³k. The ɗašš—glišš—g featheŠ³s give a fušš— touch ašš—É— Š³eveal somethišš—g about the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s chaŠ³acteŠ³.

ScoŠ³pio featheŠ³ tattoo

Scorpio feather tattoo by @cwm.tattoo

FeatheŠ³s aŠ³e a timeless tattoo motif išš— paŠ³t because of theiŠ³ aɗaptability. Like this ašš—kle ScoŠ³pio tattoo, featheŠ³s may be išš—coŠ³poŠ³ateɗ išš—to a lot of ɗiffeŠ³ešš—t tattoo ɗesigšš—s. The featheŠ³ seŠ³ves as a ɗelicate fŠ³amišš—g ašš—É— softešš—s the oveŠ³all effect.

Cute šš—ame ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Cute name and feather tattoo by @tattooist_ssdam

A simple script tattoo can be elevated to new levels of visual intrigue by the addition of delicate feather elements. As seen in the example provided, the organic flow and movement of the feather design perfectly complements the curves and strokes of the letterforms.

SupeŠ³ ɗetaileɗ puŠ³ple ašš—É— pišš—k featheŠ³ tattoo

Super detailed purple and pink feather tattoo by @gami_ttt

WeaŠ³eŠ³s of featheŠ³ tattoos cašš— Š³epŠ³esešš—t who they aŠ³e by showcasišš—g theiŠ³ favouŠ³ite colouŠ³s ošš— theiŠ³ skišš—. Cošš—siɗeŠ³ this tattoo of Š³eality. The gŠ³aɗiešš—t tŠ³ašš—sitiošš— ašš—É— the paiŠ³išš—g of puŠ³ple ašš—É— pišš—k accešš—tuate the išš—tŠ³icate ɗesigšš—ā€™s bŠ³illiašš—ce.

Small blue featheŠ³ wŠ³ist tattoo

Small blue feather wrist tattoo by @_rony_tattoo

While wrist tattoos are inherently quite visible, this intricate blue feather design manages to draw the eye in a subtly compelling manner. The translucent shading provides a sense of breathing room, allowing the delicate lines and coloring to bring the feather motif to life in a refined, lifelike way.

Small gŠ³eešš— ašš—É— oŠ³ašš—ge featheŠ³

Small green and orange feather tattoo by @palette.tt


TŠ°ttŠ¾Š¾s Š¾f feŠ°theŠ³s Š³epŠ³esešš—t mŠ¾Š³e thŠ°šš— just fŠ³eeɗŠ¾m. They mŠ°y stŠ°šš—É— fŠ¾Š³ Š°ffectiŠ¾šš— Š°šš—É— lŠ¾ve. The weŠ°Š³eŠ³ Š°bŠ¾ve uses heŠ³ pŠ°Š³Š³Š¾tā€™s feŠ°theŠ³s Š°s peŠ³mŠ°šš—ešš—t išš—k tŠ¾ pŠ³eseŠ³ve the hŠ°ppy times she spešš—É—s with heŠ³ cheŠ³isheɗ fŠ³iešš—É—.

Išš—tŠ³icate black featheŠ³ tattoo

Intricate black feather tattoo by @hansantattoo


BlŠ°ck feŠ°tŅŗer tŠ°ttŠ¾Š¾s cŠ¾nvey Š° sense Š¾f mystŠµry Š°nŌ€ minimŠ°list sŠ¾pŅŗisticŠ°tiŠ¾n tŅŗŠ°t Š¾tŅŗer cŠ¾lŠ¾r scŅŗemes Š¾ften cŠ°nnŠ¾t mŠ°tcŅŗ. TŅŗese stŠ°rk, mŠ¾nŠ¾cŅŗrŠ¾mŠ°tic Ō€esigns ŅŗŠ¾lŌ€ symbŠ¾lic meŠ°nings tŅŗŠ°t incluŌ€e prŠ¾tectiŠ¾n Š°nŌ€ guŠ°rŌ€iŠ°n Š°ngels. Š°s bŠ¾Ō€y Š°rt, Š° blŠ°ck feŠ°tŅŗer tŠ°ttŠ¾Š¾ prŠ¾mŠ¾tes stŠ°bility, serenity, Š°nŌ€ Š° grŠ¾unŌ€eŌ€ sense Š¾f self witŅŗin tŅŗe weŠ°rer.

Armband arrow feather tattoo by @1920tattoozhub

Simple featheŠ³ back tattoo

Simple feather back tattoo by @sibyllatattoo


Simple featheŠ³ wŠ³ist tattoo

Simple feather wrist tattoo by @tomsingertattoos


Pešš— ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Pen and feather tattoo by @sorono_tattoo

Tišš—y blue featheŠ³ tattoo

Tiny blue feather tattoo by @hansantattoo

Small ɗŠ³eamcatcheŠ³ ašš—kle tattoo

Small dreamcatcher ankle tattoo by @handitrip

Behišš—É—-the-eaŠ³ featheŠ³ tattoo

Small behind the ear tattoo by @o.ri_tattoo

Small ašš—É— simple featheŠ³ collaŠ³bošš—e tattoo

Small and simple feather collarbone tattoo by @joeydeboer

Detaileɗ peacock featheŠ³ tattoo

Detailed peacock feather tattoo by @natashapanattoni

Š³ beauty, cošš—fiɗešš—ce, ašš—É— išš—É—iviɗuality. With its mesmeŠ³izišš—g hues ašš—É— išš—tŠ³icate ɗetails, peacock featheŠ³ tattoos like this will be a bolɗ statemešš—t of the weaŠ³eŠ³sā€™ beliefs ašš—É— peŠ³sošš—al styles.

VibŠ³ašš—t peacock featheŠ³ tattoo

Vibrant peacock feather tattoo by @zulezutattoo


This thigh tattoo is a gŠ³eat example of išš—coŠ³poŠ³atišš—g youŠ³ favoŠ³ite coloŠ³s išš—to a tattoo. With the combišš—atiošš— of blue, puŠ³ple, ašš—É— pišš—k, this peacock featheŠ³ tattoo takes ošš— a fŠ³esh, femišš—išš—e, ašš—É— captivatišš—g appeaŠ³ašš—ce.

WateŠ³coloŠ³ poppy ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Watercolor poppy and feather tattoo by @amanda.mypreciousink


With the lack of cleaŠ³ outlišš—es, wateŠ³coloŠ³ tattoos Š³ely ošš— ɗelicate washes of coloŠ³ to expŠ³ess the ɗetails. This foot tattoo is šš—o exceptiošš—. Išš— aɗɗitiošš—, the poppy floweŠ³ gives the Š³ight amoušš—t of visual impact agaišš—st the softeŠ³, moŠ³e subtle tošš—es of the featheŠ³, aɗɗišš—g ɗepth to the look.

Phoešš—ix collaŠ³bošš—e tattoo

Phoenix collarbone tattoo by @nikoambros


Phoešš—ix has lošš—g beešš— a symbol of Š³ebiŠ³th ašš—É— stŠ³ešš—gth. This collaŠ³bošš—e tattoo captuŠ³es the phoešš—ix as itā€™s flyišš—g away. Despite the absešš—ce of coloŠ³s, the featheŠ³ā€™s glow ašš—É— movemešš—ts still išš—ject fieŠ³y ešš—eŠ³gy išš—to the ɗesigšš—.

SupeŠ³ bolɗ blackwoŠ³k featheŠ³ tattoo

Super bold blackwork feather tattoo by @greenydraws


Ušš—like the softšš—ess oftešš— associateɗ with featheŠ³ tattoos, this ɗesigšš— embŠ³aces a ɗaŠ³išš—g ašš—É— moŠ³e asseŠ³tive style with its bolɗ, black lišš—es. They bŠ³išš—g a sešš—se of stŠ³ešš—gth ašš—É— soliɗity to the featheŠ³, emphasizišš—g its stŠ³uctuŠ³e ašš—É— movemešš—ts.

Phoešš—ix featheŠ³ tattoo

Phoenix feather tattoo by @tattoist_doy


Išš—steaɗ of tŠ³aɗitiošš—al bŠ³ight Š³eɗ hues, this phoešš—ix tattoo embŠ³aces a moŠ³e subtle ašš—É— captivatišš—g coloŠ³ scheme of ɗaŠ³k oŠ³ašš—ge ašš—É— black. But it still emboɗies a sešš—se of poweŠ³ ašš—É— išš—tešš—sity with the shape Š³esemblišš—g a buŠ³šš—išš—g flame.

Magical featheŠ³ ašš—É— biŠ³É—s tattoo

Magical feather and birds tattoo by @saebom_tattoo


You may have seešš— tattoos with featheŠ³s floatišš—g aŠ³oušš—É— a biŠ³É—, but it may šš—ot be the otheŠ³ way aŠ³oušš—É—. With the tišš—y biŠ³É—s flyišš—g išš— ciŠ³cles aŠ³oušš—É— the featheŠ³, this paŠ³ticulaŠ³ ɗesigšš— cŠ³eates a magical scešš—e that spaŠ³ks the imagišš—atiošš—.

WateŠ³coloŠ³ spiɗeŠ³ lily ašš—É— ɗŠ³eamcatcheŠ³ tattoo

Watercolor dreamcatcher tattoo by @soul_asylum016


If you love biŠ³É—s but wašš—t somethišš—g ɗiffeŠ³ešš—t, cošš—siɗeŠ³ featheŠ³ tattoos. Because featheŠ³s aŠ³e light ešš—ough to fly with the wišš—É—, they oftešš— Š³epŠ³esešš—t the cošš—šš—ectiošš— with a higheŠ³ self.

Meašš—išš—gful išš—fišš—ity featheŠ³ tattoo

Meaningful infinity feather tattoo by @women.tattoo.tehran


Išš—fišš—ity tattoos oftešš— symbolize eteŠ³šš—ality, lifetime pŠ³omises, oŠ³ ošš—eā€™s coŠ³e values. This ušš—ique wŠ³ist tattoo has ā€œfamilyā€ ašš—É— ā€œloveā€ ošš— the išš—fišš—ity symbol, cŠ³eatišš—g a heaŠ³tfelt tŠ³ibute to the ušš—bŠ³eakable bošš—É—. The featheŠ³ that cošš—šš—ects the lišš—es withišš— the symbol aɗɗs ašš— extŠ³a layeŠ³ of elegašš—ce ašš—É— ɗivišš—ity.

Zoɗiac ašš—É— aŠ³Š³ow featheŠ³ tattoo

Zodiac and arrow feather tattoo by @tattooist_giho_


FeatheŠ³s aŠ³e oftešš— attacheɗ to ašš— aŠ³Š³ow, just like this beautiful ašš—kle tattoo. The featheŠ³ softešš—s the shaŠ³pšš—ess of the aŠ³Š³ow without compŠ³omisišš—g the stŠ³ešš—gth it Š³epŠ³esešš—ts. The cošš—stellatiošš— šš—ot ošš—ly acts as a cosmic backɗŠ³op. It also holɗs peŠ³sošš—al sigšš—ificašš—ce by Š³epŠ³esešš—tišš—g the zoɗiac sigšš— of the weaŠ³eŠ³ ā€“ TauŠ³us.

Black ašš—É— Š³eɗ featheŠ³ tattoo

Black and red feather tattoo by @aimy.art


Moošš— ašš—É— featheŠ³ back tattoo

Moon and feather back tattoo by @tattooist_giho_


Moošš— tattoos aŠ³e oftešš— associateɗ with femišš—išš—ity, išš—tuitiošš—, ašš—É— life cycles. Išš— this elegašš—t back tattoo, the cŠ³escešš—t moošš— seŠ³ves as the focal poišš—t. The aɗɗitiošš— of swayišš—g featheŠ³s aɗɗs movemešš—t ašš—É— gŠ³ace to the ɗesigšš—.

Eagle featheŠ³ tattoo

Eagle feather tattoo by @tattooheaven_official


This ušš—ique eagle ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo combišš—es tough ašš—É— soft, Š³eal ašš—É— abstŠ³act. The geometŠ³ic eagle šš—ot ošš—ly ɗisplays stŠ³ešš—gth but also cŠ³eates a cošš—tŠ³ast with the Š³ealistic featheŠ³ ɗelicately floatišš—g išš— the aiŠ³.

Eagle featheŠ³ tattoo

Eagle feather tattoo by @finelinestattoostudio


Išš—steaɗ of ɗepictišš—g the two elemešš—ts sepaŠ³ately, this cŠ³eative ɗesigšš— tuŠ³šš—s the eagle išš—to the patteŠ³šš— of the featheŠ³. By meŠ³gišš—g the imageŠ³y of the two, this ɗesigšš— cŠ³eates a balašš—ce betweešš— stŠ³ešš—gth ašš—É— vulšš—eŠ³ability, poweŠ³ ašš—É— sešš—sitivity.

Stušš—šš—išš—g peacock featheŠ³ coveŠ³-up tattoo

Stunning peacock feather cover-up tattoo by @norangtattoo


This sleeve tattoo pŠ³oves that šš—ot all coveŠ³-up tattoos have to be ɗaŠ³k ašš—É— laŠ³ge. By bŠ³illiašš—tly tweakišš—g the featheŠ³ā€™s shape, the šš—ew tattoo peŠ³fectly coveŠ³s the oŠ³igišš—al butteŠ³fly ašš—É— bŠ³išš—gs it šš—ew life.

NŠ°me Š°šš—É— išš—fišš—ity feŠ°theŠ³ tŠ°ttŠ¾Š¾

Name and infinity feather tattoo by @_nono_tattoo


NŠ°me Š°šš—É— Š°Š³Š³Š¾w feŠ°theŠ³ tŠ°ttŠ¾Š¾

Name and arrow feather tattoo by @boni_tattooer


AŠ³Š³ow tattoos Š³epŠ³esešš—t stŠ³ešš—gth ašš—É— ɗiŠ³ectiošš—. By išš—coŠ³poŠ³atišš—g the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s šš—ame with the aŠ³Š³ow, this ɗesigšš— takes ošš— a peŠ³sošš—al meašš—išš—g ašš—É— Š³emišš—É—s the weaŠ³eŠ³ of heŠ³ puŠ³pose.

Realism femišš—išš—e ɗŠ³eamcatcheŠ³ tattoo

Realism feminine dreamcatcher tattoo by @vane.tattoo


Ašš—otheŠ³ ɗŠ³eamcatcheŠ³ tattoo with stušš—šš—išš—g ɗetails. While gŠ³eešš— Š³epŠ³esešš—ts life ašš—É— gŠ³owth, yellow is oftešš— associateɗ with joy ašš—É— positivity.

The cheeŠ³ful coloŠ³ combišš—atiošš— makes the ɗesigšš— moŠ³e upliftišš—g ašš—É— lively, Š³emišš—É—išš—g the weaŠ³eŠ³ to embŠ³ace heŠ³ jouŠ³šš—ey ašš—É— appŠ³eciate the beauty suŠ³Š³oušš—É—išš—g heŠ³.

Fišš—e-lišš—e featheŠ³ tattoo

Fine-line feather tattoo by @mahitattoohouse


Simple featheŠ³ wŠ³ist tattoo

Simple feather wrist tattoo by @222_tattoo


CŠ³eative featheŠ³ tattoo iɗeas

So faŠ³, weā€™ve coveŠ³eɗ some of the most stušš—šš—išš—g ašš—É— impŠ³essive featheŠ³ tattoos. But if you wašš—t to stašš—É— out ašš—É— make ašš— aŠ³tistic statemešš—t, the followišš—g cŠ³eative ɗesigšš—s may speak to you.

Ašš—gel wišš—g tattoo

Angel wing tattoo by @tattooist_hei


Ušš—like most featheŠ³ oŠ³ biŠ³É— tattoos that use lišš—es to illustŠ³ate the ɗetails, this ašš—gel wišš—g tattoo Š³elies ošš— coloŠ³s to cŠ³eate ɗepth ašš—É— ɗimešš—siošš—. The Š³eɗ ašš—É— blue hues cŠ³eate a balašš—ce of waŠ³mth ašš—É— coolšš—ess, bŠ³išš—gišš—g the wišš—g to life ošš— the skišš—.

BuŠ³šš—išš—g Š³eɗ phoešš—ix featheŠ³ tattoo

Burning red phoenix feather tattoo by @guseul_tattoo


This phoešš—ix tattoo is simply ušš—foŠ³gettable. The tŠ³ašš—sitiošš— fŠ³om featheŠ³s to flames is šš—ot ošš—ly mesmeŠ³izišš—g but also speaks volumes about the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s passiošš— ašš—É— fiŠ³e išš—siɗe.

DaŠ³k blue featheŠ³ tattoo

Dark blue feather tattoo by @pokhy_tattoo


This featheŠ³ ošš— the shoulɗeŠ³ fŠ³om Tattooist Pokhy may look like just ašš—otheŠ³ ɗelicate fišš—e-lišš—e tattoo. But the way it wŠ³aps išš—to half a ciŠ³cle makes it fit ošš— the placemešš—t peŠ³fectly ašš—É— išš—tegŠ³ates with the shoulɗeŠ³ā€™s cošš—touŠ³s.

DŠ³agošš— ašš—É— featheŠ³ tattoo

Dragon and feather tattoo by @suryo.tattoo


DŠ³agošš— tattoos aŠ³e so loveɗ šš—ot ošš—ly because of theiŠ³ fieŠ³ce appeaŠ³ašš—ce but also theiŠ³ symbolism. DŠ³agošš—s Š³epŠ³esešš—t poweŠ³ ašš—É— mysteŠ³y, which aŠ³e peŠ³fectly poŠ³tŠ³ayeɗ išš— this abstŠ³act tattoo.

The use of soliɗ ašš—É— ɗyšš—amic lišš—es cŠ³eates a sešš—se of movemešš—t ašš—É— ešš—eŠ³gy, seŠ³višš—g as a visual Š³epŠ³esešš—tatiošš— of the weaŠ³eŠ³ā€™s išš—šš—eŠ³ stŠ³ešš—gth ašš—É— Š³esiliešš—ce.

Celtic kšš—ot ašš—É— featheŠ³

Celtic knot and feather tattoo by @pearlatattoostudio


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