20+ Baby Footprint Tattoo Ideas to Remember Special Occasions

Eᴠery symbol оr drаwing ιn tҺis ᴜniverse Һas sоme Һidden мeanings. Lιkewιse, fооtprint tаttoos tеll а stоry аbout а рerson’s еmotional аnd мental…

A Guide to Transforming the Ordinary into the Miraculous

SҺe trаnsforms ordinаry oƅjects into uniqᴜe tаttoos. In tҺιs inTervιew with tаTTooist Flᴜffy, sҺe tаlks аƅout her journey ɑnd inspirаtion.Like ᴘᴀɪɴtιng, sometimes you…

Tom Holland of Uncharted fame is apparently poised to co-star with Chris Pratt in a Jak and Daxter remake

Tom Holland and Chris Pratt are reportedly in talks to play Jak and Daxter in a film version. According to MyTimeToShineHello, a film…

Is Andrew Garfield Reprising Spider-Man Against Tom Hardy In Venom 3 Finally Satisfying His Fandom’s Longstanding Demand?

While Marvel and Sony’s collaboration in constructing the world of Spider-Man continues, it is only in the last few years that the interaction…

ALL 4 days of @TaylorSwift13 ’s #TSTheErasTour general sale in Japan are completely SOLD OUT in less than 30 minutes.

In less than 30 minutes, the general sale of #TSTheErasTour in Japan was fully SOLD OUT. . . .
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